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Image by Jeremy Bezanger

RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2022: Energy Geographies Session Guide

Date Published: August 28th, 2022


Tuesday 30th August

14:40 - 16:20

Energy geographies
Room 1 Percy Building - G.10 (In-person only)
Session chair: Peter Forman

‘Do you know what’s underneath your feet?’: Social Constructions and Local Understanding & Expertise of the Underground in Proposed Shale Gas Sites in the UK
Stacia Ryder1, Jennifer Dickie2, Patrick Devine-Wright1
1University of Exeter, UK. 2University of Stirling, UK

Integrating labour and environmental goals in Just Transitions: The Southern European case.
Rocío Hiraldo
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain

What is in a meter? Visions of smart metering in India’s electricity future
Dana Abi Ghanem, Tracey Crosbie
Teesside University, UK

Wednesday 31st August

11:10 - 12:50

Contested Electric Micromobility Futures
Room 1 Henry Daysh Building - G.11 (Hybrid)
Session chair Kiron Chatterjee, Tim Jones

Exploring perceptions of e-micromobility in Leeds, UK
Gemma Bridge
Independent public and oral health researcher and Running Mayor of Leeds, UK

Naughty Scooter Parking: Do Perceptions Match Reality?
Nicholas Klein
Cornell AAP, USA

The (im-)mobile e-bike: infrastructural components of an emerging micromobility practice
Karin Edberg
Linköping University, Sweden

Scooter Stories: User and non-user experiences of a shared e-scooter trial
Monique Taratula-Lyons, William Clayton, Anna Speak, Ian Shergold
University of the West of England, Bristol, UK


16:50 - 18:30


Between fires: rethinking our relationship with fire
Room 1 Zoom Room 1 (Online-only)
Session chair Cathy Smith, Kapil Yadav

Paul Laris
California State University, USA
Kayla De Freitas
Royal Holloway University of London / Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment and Society, UK
Christine Eriksen
Centre for Security Studies, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Rachel Carmenta
University of East Anglia, UK
Iokiñe Rodríguez Fernandez
University of East Anglia, UK

Thursday 1st September

11:10 - 12:50

Geographies of the Domestic Energy Hydrogen Transition
Room 1 Henry Daysh Building - 6.02 (In-person only)
Session chair Zoe Robinson

Hydrogen transitions, fuel poverty, and geographical research in the UK (and beyond)

Matthew Scott
National Energy Action, UK

How the energy trilemma affects public acceptance of hydrogen
Fiona Fylan
Leeds Beckett University, UK

Mapping the Emergence of a Northern System of Hydrogen Provision in Teesside
Gareth Powells
Newcastle University, UK

Consumer perceptions of blended hydrogen from live domestic trials
Zoe Robinson1, Maddy Thompson1, Adam Peacock2, Phil Catney1
1Keele University, UK. 2Exeter University, UK

Hydrogen and CCUS infrastructure development in the UK: the social acceptance of the Humber Industrial Cluster Plan
James Van Alstine1, Imogen Rattle1, Claire Bastin1, Fiona Fylan2
1University of Leeds, UK. 2Leeds Beckett University, UK

Hydrogen Risk Societies
Peter J Forman
Department of Geography, Northumbria University, UK

14:40 - 16:20

Recovering from ‘Carbon-Democracies’? Everyday Practices of Future-Making confronting Climate Change (1)
Room 1 Percy Building - G.05 (In-person only)
Session chair Felix Schiedlowski, Amy Walker

The return of the modernization narrative and a seemingly inevitable future for the Atewa Forest Reserve? – Uncovering future-making practices, discursive power, and counter-reactions.
Sebastian Purwins
University of Augsburg, Germany

On Disruption, Disengagement, and Failure: Rethinking Energy Transitions Beyond Recovery, Creativity, and Hope
Julia Friederike Pank
University of Oxford, UK

Coal and a Grassroots Environmental Movement in North-East Poland

Magdalena Dabkowska
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

Rhythm-energies remade, reconnected and recovered: engaging rhythmanalysis with low carbon futures
Gordon Walker
Lancaster University, UK

16:50 - 18:30

Recovering from ‘Carbon-Democracies’? Everyday Practices of Future-Making confronting Climate Change (2)
Room 1 Percy Building - G.05 (In-person only)
Session chair Felix Schiedlowski

From carbon democracy to climate democracies: Profligate utterances and contested visions of democracy at COP26
Alexa Waud
Democratic Society, UK

Distributed environmental responsibility: intergenerational deliberations on good citizenship in a climate changing world
Ellen van Holstein
RMIT, Australia. University of Melbourne, Australia

The role of orientation in community-based energy
Gerald Taylor-Aiken1, Ankit Kumar2
1LISER, Luxembourg. 2Sheffield University, UK

Decarbonizing mobility- the making and unmaking of (un)equal futures
Julia Kühl
University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

Friday 2nd September

14:40 - 16:20

Geographies of Subterranean Energy Futures (1): Critical and situated approaches to conceptualising the underground
Room 1 Henry Daysh Building - G.13 (Hybrid)
Session chair Melanie Rohse

People-place relationships in geothermal project development teams' approaches to engagement
Thomas Hambley
Anglia Ruskin University, UK

Assemblages Out of Steam: Towards a Research Agenda for Geothermal Energy as a Socio-Technical Assemblage

Rozanne Spijkerboer1, Ethemcan Turhan1, Andreas Roos2, Jose Opazo3, Marco Billi4, Sofia Vargas-Payera4,
Marco Armiero2
1University of Groningen, Netherlands. 2KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. 3Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile. 4Universidad de Chile, Chile

Science, Society and the Subterranean: On the Political Geology of Nuclear Waste Disposal in Switzerland
Rony Emmenegger
University of Basel, Switzerland

Subterranean Wasteworlds: Carbon Control and the rise of ‘clean oil’
Pauline Destrée
University of St Andrews, UK

Fossilized futures? Uncovering past materialities and imaginaries of oil and gas in the UK
Naima Kraushaar-Friesen1, Magdalena Kuchler1, Gavin Bridge2
1Uppsala University, Sweden. 2Durham Univeristy, UK

Unearthing the Underground Imaginaries of (Post)Industrial Places
Erin Roberts
Cardiff University, UK

16:50 - 18:30

Geographies of Subterranean Energy Futures (2): perceptions and policy for subsurface interventions

Room 1 Henry Daysh Building - G.13 (Hybrid)
Session chair Stacia Ryder

International experience of policy, regulatory and societal aspects of deploying aquifer thermal energy storage
Richard Hanna, Lorenzo Di Lucia, Yiannis Kountouris
Imperial College London, UK

Exploring perception spillover: fracking controversy impacts public perceptions of other underground technologies
Emily Cox1,2, Steve Westlake1, Conor John1
1Cardiff University, UK. 2Oxford University, UK

Utilising geothermal energy to decarbonise heat networks in the UK: the opportunity for mine water heat in Yorkshire
James van Alstine, Emma Bramham, Angus Naylor, Simon Oldfield, Nick Shaw
University of Leeds, UK

Public engagements with induced seismicity: lessons for geothermal energy in the UK’s net-zero transition
Owen King
University of Birmingham, UK

Understanding Underground Energy & Seismicity in the UK: Place, Risk Perception & Regulation of the Subsurface
Jen Dickie1, Phil Bartie2, Mel Rohse3, Stacia Ryder4
1University of Stirling, UK. 2Heriot-Watt University, UK. 3Anglia Ruskin University, UK. 4University of Exeter, UK
The MOF4AIR European project: A transnational examination of the determinants of social acceptance of CO2 capture, transport and storage infrastructure
Spyridon Karytsas, Olympia Polyzou, Constantine Karytsas
Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, Greece

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